21 Must-Have Summer Beach Bag Essentials for a Perfect Day

Want to know what must-have beach bag essentials to pack for a perfect day by the ocean? 

From surprising beach bag items to entertainment, sun protection, and safety items, I’ve curated a list of 21 must-have beach bag essentials to ensure you have everything you need for a memorable and enjoyable day at the beach!

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Surprising Items You Should Pack in Your Beach Bag:

UV Detection Stickers: These small but mighty UV Detection stickers show you if you are applying enough sunscreen and when to reapply. The small dot sticker turns clear when ample sunscreen is applied and turns purple when you need to reapply. 

Baby Powder:  Pack a small container of baby powder to easily remove sand from your skin. The powder helps absorb moisture and makes sand removal a breeze.

Portable Phone Charger: Keep your phone battery charged to capture your favorite memories, and be prepared to call or text for help in an emergency. 

Waterproof Phone Case: Invest in a waterproof phone case to protect your device and capture all your beach memories without worrying about water damage

Trash Bag: Help keep the beach clean and litter-free by packing a small trash bag to dispose of any trash or waste generated during your beach day.

Beach Entertainment That Can Fit in Your Beach Bag

E-Reader or Book: A great book hits differently at the beach, so having a book, whether a physical copy or a digital copy, on an e-reader is a must-have beach bag item for beach entertainment. I highly recommend using a Kindle e-reader for the beach because they have adjustable light settings, can easily be read in the sun, are waterproof, and allow you to have a wide selection of reading material at your fingertips. 

Looking for the perfect beach read? Check out our book recommendations!

Waterproof Speaker: Set the mood for your beach day with your favorite songs as your soundtrack by bringing along a waterproof Bluetooth speaker for music on the go.

Beach Games & Activities: Pack a football, frisbee, or volleyball for some fun, active competition on the beach. Or, for a more relaxed beach game, pack this fun set of waterproof playing cards

Essential Sun Protection and Beach Safety Items:

Sunscreen: Protect your skin from harmful UV rays by packing a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. Make sure to reapply every two hours for the best protection! 

Lip Balm with SPF: Protect your lips from sunburn and dehydration by applying a moisturizing lip balm with SPF throughout the day. 

Hat: A hat that compliments your bathing suit adds a stylish touch to your beach ensemble and provides additional sun protection for your face and neck.

Sunglasses: Shield your eyes from the sun’s glare with a pair of polarized sunglasses to reduce glare and protect your eyes from UV rays.

Water Bottle: Pack a reusable water bottle filled with cold water or your favorite hydrating beverage to stay hydrated throughout your day at the beach.

First Aid Kit: Prepare for minor injuries by packing a compact first aid kit with essentials such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, and tweezers.

Beach Bag Must-Haves for Ultimate Comfort:

Beach Blanket: Spread a beach blanket on the sand for a cozy and comfortable spot to relax, play games, or enjoy a picnic with friends and family.

Beach Towel: Choose a lightweight and quick-drying beach towel to lounge on while soaking up the sun or drying off after a refreshing swim.

De-Tangling Hair Brush: Worried about your hair getting tangled in the wind or from taking a dip in the ocean? Pack a de-tangling hair brush to combat any beach hair worries. 

Hair Elastics:  Make sure to include a few hair elastics in your bag in case you or a friend needs one. Nothing is worse than wanting to pull your hair out or your face and realizing you don’t have a hair elastic! 

Portable Fan: Elevate your beach day comfort by including a small, portable fan to help you keep cool on a hot summer day. 

Hand Sanitizer: Keep your hands clean and germ-free, especially before enjoying snacks or meals, by packing a travel-sized bottle of hand sanitizer.

Snacks: Pack portable and energizing snacks such as fresh fruit, nuts, granola bars, and trail mix to keep hunger at bay while enjoying your beach day.

Final Thoughts:

Packing your bag with these 21 must-have beach bag essentials will prepare you for a perfect day of fun and relaxation at the beach. Remember to pack smart, stay hydrated, and, most importantly, have a blast soaking up the sun and surf!

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