
The Complete Guide to Creating an Audiobook Habit

Finding time to read can often feel like a luxury when you have a busy schedule!

Between long to-do lists and other distractions, it can be challenging to carve out space to sit down with a physical or electronic copy of a book.

However, there’s a solution that can help you immerse yourself in the world of a good book without sacrificing precious time: creating an audiobook habit.

In this comprehensive guide to creating an audiobook habit, we’ll cover how an audiobook habit can improve your reading experience, what platforms you can use to listen to audiobooks, how to select the right audiobooks, how to begin incorporating audiobooks into your daily routines, and finally, how to overcome challenges with your new habit so you can stay consistent!

Why Audiobooks Are An Amazing Form of Reading

Before we dive into the details of how to create an audiobook habit, let’s first talk about why you should want to add audiobooks into your daily life and routines. 

Unlike traditional physical books or even e-books, audiobooks offer a unique blend of storytelling and performance, allowing listeners to immerse themselves in great books brought to life by talented narrators.

The best part? Audiobooks let you enjoy amazing stories while you’re on the go.

Picture this: you’re stuck in traffic, walking on the treadmill, or folding laundry. Instead of zoning out or scrolling through your phone, you could be whisked away to another world in a great new book. 

If you’re looking to read more but have limited free time to sit down and enjoy a book, audiobooks can be your perfect solution to adding high-quality books to your busy schedule! Or, if you are already an avid reader, audiobooks are a great way to enjoy reading more books in a new way!

Finding the Right Audiobook Platform

The first step in creating an audiobook habit is finding the platform or combination of platforms you want to use to listen to audiobooks. There are many audiobook platforms out there, such as Audible, Libby, Scribd, and OverDrive, so it may take a little exploring to discover which audiobook platform is the right fit for your listening needs. 

I have used and highly recommend Audible and Libby for listening to audiobooks.


Audible is an app-based audiobook service by Amazon, offering a large selection of audiobooks in every genre. Audible can be utilized for listening to audiobooks in two ways: first, by utilizing their audiobook subscription model for credits, which allows you to buy any book in their library, or second, by purchasing titles individually (usually for a higher price than the cost per credit). 

Audible is a good option if you want to listen to a popular or newly released title without waiting for a library copy or if you would like to sync a single book title you own on both a Kindle e-reader and the Audible app.


Libby is an app-based platform that partners with thousands of libraries to offer free e-books and audiobooks! Using an app, such as Libby, that works with your local library can be beneficial in creating an audiobook habit because you can sample audiobooks from different genres and authors to discover what you like without spending money in the process. 

You can set yourself up for success with your new audiobook habit by finding a platform that aligns with your listening preferences.

Choosing the Right Audiobooks

Once you’ve chosen your audiobook platform, the next step in creating your audiobook habit is to start selecting audiobooks to listen to. With countless titles available across genres ranging from fiction to non-fiction, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. 

Here are some tips to help you choose an audiobook you’ll love to listen to:

Start With Stories That Feel Familiar To You: 

When beginning an audiobook habit, start with either a book you’ve read before or non-fiction books because they will feel familiar and less overwhelming. 

Returning to a book you’ve read before will allow you to approach your new audiobook habit with ease instead of feeling overwhelmed with trying to keep up with new characters and setting details in a different format than what you’re used to.  You may even find you end up liking the story more for hearing it narrated well! 

Listening to non-fiction books is another way to ease into a new audiobook habit. Why? Non-fiction audiobooks feel similar to listening to a podcast or talk radio and can be easier to keep up with than fiction audiobooks.

Explore Audiobooks That Align With Your Interests: 

Consider your interests and passions when selecting audiobooks to listen to. Whether you’re a fan of romance books, psychological thrillers, personal development books, or fantasy novels, there’s an audiobook out there for you!

Read Reviews and Recommendations: 

Take the time to read reviews and recommendations from other listeners. Websites, forums, and social media platforms are excellent resources for discovering new audiobooks and hearing what others have to say about them.

Sample Different Narrators: 

Pay attention to the narrator of the audiobook. A skilled narrator can bring characters to life and enhance your listening experience. Experiment with different narrators to find ones whose voices resonate with you.

Consider Length and Format: 

Consider the length and format of an audiobook when deciding what to listen to next. 

While some listeners prefer shorter titles that can be finished in a single sitting, others enjoy longer, more immersive stories that unfold over multiple chapters.

By exploring your interests and preferences, you can curate a collection of audiobooks that will keep you engaged and entertained as you make audiobooks a regular part of your routine.

Adding Audiobooks to Your Daily Routines

Once you’ve chosen your audiobooks, the next step is to integrate them into your daily routine. Creating an audiobook habit is all about finding moments throughout your day where you can listen to literature while going about your daily activities. 

Here are some easy ways to help you incorporate audiobooks into your routines:


Your daily commute can be a great opportunity to listen to audiobooks! Audiobooks can make your commute more enjoyable and productive, whether driving, taking public transportation, or walking.

Household Chores:

Turn mundane household chores into opportunities for listening to audiobooks. Whether you’re cooking dinner, doing laundry, or cleaning the house, audiobooks can provide entertainment and inspiration while you work.


Listen to audiobooks while exercising at the gym, going for a run, or taking a walk outdoors. Not only will audiobooks keep you motivated during your workout, but they’ll also help you stay focused and engaged.


Try winding down at the end of the day by listening to audiobooks before bed. Whether you’re curling up with a cozy romance book or listening to a thought-provoking non-fiction book, audiobooks can help you unwind and prepare for a restful night’s sleep.

Incorporating audiobooks into your daily routine will create opportunities to experience reading in a whole new way while making the most of your limited time.

Overcoming Challenges and Staying Consistent 

Building a new habit isn’t always smooth sailing, and the same will be true for starting your new audiobook habit! There’ll be days when your daily routines are thrown off, and you’re tempted to skip your regular audiobook session, and that’s okay! 

Here are some practical strategies for overcoming audiobook listening challenges and staying consistent with your new habit:

Set Realistic Goals:

Start small and set realistic goals for yourself. Whether you aim to listen to a certain number of chapters per day or finish a specific audiobook by the end of the week, setting achievable goals will help you stay motivated and focused.

Be Flexible:

Life can be unpredictable, and there may be days when you’re unable to listen to audiobooks as planned. Be flexible and willing to adapt your listening schedule to fit your changing routines and responsibilities.

Find Accountability Partners:

Share your audiobook goals with friends or family members who can provide support and encouragement along the way. Accountability partners can help motivate you to stick to your audiobook habit.

Celebrate Progress:

Celebrate your progress and accomplishments as you build your audiobook habit. Whether you’ve finished a challenging audiobook or discovered a new favorite narrator, take the time to acknowledge your achievements and celebrate how far you’ve come.

By staying mindful of potential challenges and implementing strategies to overcome them, you’ll be well on your way to creating a sustainable audiobook habit that enriches your life.

Final Thoughts

Whether you’re a busy person who struggles to find time to read or you are just looking to mix up your usual reading routine, I hope the tips in this post help you create an audiobook habit that allows you to read more books and enjoy reading in a new way!

Related Post: The Essential Guide to Starting a Reading Habit

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