
The Essential Guide to Starting a Reading Habit

If you’ve been looking to start a reading habit but don’t know where to start, this guide is for you! 

Developing a reading habit can benefit you by adding a hobby to your daily routine that promotes personal growth, is a great form of self-care, and can provide a much-needed escape from the daily grind. 

Keep scrolling for a step-by-step approach to developing a reading habit and making it a meaningful part of your daily routine.

Establish a Reading Routine:

Start by choosing a specific time to devote to reading each day.  

When starting a reading habit, you should start small. Beginning a reading habit does not need to be a huge time commitment! 

Devote a specific time each day to reading a chapter of a book or even a few pages to begin establishing a reading routine. Your reading time could be in the morning with a cup of coffee, during your lunch break, or before bedtime. 

Building a consistent routine around dedicated reading time will help reinforce and maintain your reading habit.

Designate a Reading Space:

Designate a comfortable and quiet space to be your reading space. This does not have to be anything elaborate or fancy! Your reading space could be a cozy living room corner, a backyard hammock, or a quiet spot in your favorite café. 

Dedicated reading space is beneficial for developing a reading habit because it can signal your brain that it’s time to unwind and immerse yourself in a good book.

Read Books You Like:

This suggestion may seem silly or obvious to some, but it is worth mentioning: read books you like.

As with any good habit you want to create, you must make it enjoyable for it to stick. Reading as a hobby shouldn’t feel like a school assignment or chore. There are no rules on what you can or should be reading. 

Did you pick up a current best-seller you’ve seen everywhere but can’t seem to get into it? Try something else! 

There are so many great authors and exciting book genres out there! I encourage you to keep exploring what’s out there until you find something interesting. 

Once you find one book you love, it will be easier to find more books with similar elements that you’ll enjoy!

Maintain a List of Books You Want to Read:

Sticking with a reading habit is easier when you’ve narrowed your options for books you want to read.  

A great way to do this is by maintaining a TBR (“To Be Read) list. When you come across a book you think you’d enjoy, add it to a list to remember so you can have titles to choose from when deciding what to read next.

You can keep your TBR list on paper or phone or track it in an app. 

I keep a running TBR through my account on Goodreads. If you’d like to keep  track of your reading list this way too, go to Goodreads either on the app or your computer, type in the book title you’re interested in, and then from the dropdown menu under the book cover, select “Want to Read.” Once you do so, the title will be added to a list in your account so you can easily reference it later.

Explore Different Reading Formats:

E-books, audiobooks, and reading apps can make accessing a wide range of reading material easier and are especially convenient for those with busy schedules.

I’ve found using a mix of reading with my Kindle and listening to audiobooks to be the best way to incorporate more reading into my routines. 

Experiment with different reading formats until you find what works best for you!

Always Keep a Book with You:

One simple way to add more reading to your daily routines is by always having a book with you!

Whenever you have extra free time or are stuck waiting, you can replace scrolling on your phone with reading or listening to part of your current book. 

I get a lot of reading done in my spare moments by using my Kindle Oasis e-reader and by having the Kindle app on my phone, which syncs with my book progress on my e-reader so I can continue reading when out and about. 

Add Accountability to Your Reading Habit:

Sharing your reading experience with others can add a social element to your reading habit, making it more enjoyable and providing some accountability to continue reading! 

Some ideas for doing this are joining a book club or participating in a buddy read.

Join a Book Club: 

Joining a book club can be very helpful for your reading habit because it introduces you to books you might not have picked up otherwise and provides an opportunity for meaningful discussions and connections with other readers.

Participate in a Buddy Read: 

Are you having trouble finding a book club that works with your schedule? Or do you want more freedom to pick what to read and discuss next? Consider participating in a buddy read.

A buddy read is similar to a book club but takes place with a much smaller group or even just one other person and can have more of a relaxed pace and intimate discussion than a book club setting. 

To start a buddy read, pick a person (or a small group of people) who will participate in the buddy read with you. Next, agree on a book participants will read. Finally, when everyone participating in the buddy read finishes the book, you can begin discussing your thoughts.

Set Realistic Reading Goals:

Set realistic and achievable reading goals to help motivate you to keep up with your reading habits. Whether it’s a certain number of pages per day or a specific amount of time dedicated to reading, having realistic goals will make the habit more manageable. 

Start small with your goals and gradually increase them as your reading habit solidifies.

Keep Track of Your Progress:

Try using a reading log or apps to track your progress in developing and maintaining a reading habit. Seeing your accomplishments and progress in your reading journey can motivate you to stick with the habit.

Take the time to celebrate your achievements, whether completing a book, exploring a new genre, or reaching a new reading milestone!

Final Thoughts:

Developing a reading habit is rewarding, and I am so excited for you to begin your journey! By incorporating the tips in this post into your daily routines, you’ll soon be on your way to making reading a pleasurable and sustainable part of your daily life. 

Happy reading!

Related Post: The Complete Guide to Creating an Audiobook Habit

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