
Lindywell Pilates Review | One Year & Counting with the At-Home Exercise Program

I’ve been a member of Lindywell Pilates for over a year now and have loved this exercise program! Lindywell is an online and app-based pilates program that utilizes minimal equipment for an efficient workout at home. In this post, I’m highlighting my fitness goals and why I joined Lindywell, what you can expect from these pilates exercise videos, the benefits of membership with Lindywell, and what equipment you want to complete the workouts.

Keep reading for my detailed review of the Lindywell pilates program and why I think their membership is worth the price.

Disclaimers: This post contains affiliate links. At no extra cost to you, I may earn a commission should you choose to sign up for a program or make a purchase using my links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Lindywell has a referral program for first-time customers. If you purchase a membership utilizing one of my links, you will receive a $20 discount on your membership, and I will receive the same. This is not a paid post, and all opinions are my own.

What is Lindywell?

Lindywell, formerly known as The Balanced Life, is an online and app-based Pilates program that features quick, efficient Pilates workouts that can be completed with minimal or no equipment.

My Fitness Goals/ Why I Signed Up:

I signed up for the Lindywell annual membership at the beginning of 2022. Going into the new year, my main fitness goal was to develop a sustainable workout routine because I wanted to feel healthier and more energetic than I had the previous year. Additionally, since I had already been using Madfit Youtube videos and the Tone It Up app primarily for HIIT and cardio workouts, I wanted a less intense exercise option for the days I had less motivation and energy to work out. 

Lindywell’s program has not only met but has exceeded my expectations for an exercise program! I’ve found these videos to be easy to stay consistent with, I find the workouts enjoyable, and I’ve gained muscle definition that I didn’t previously have.

What I’ve Liked About the Workouts & Membership:

  • Monthly Workout Calendars:  A member-only benefit of Lindywell is the monthly workout calendar that you can follow online or in the app. Lindywell’s workouts are scheduled five times a week, Monday-Friday. Each Thursday of the month is a longer workout that repeats weekly. It is nice to have that repeating workout as a benchmark to see progress throughout the month. While I typically don’t follow the workouts exactly as scheduled, I appreciate having a starting point for creating my weekly workout schedule.


  • Ability to Easily Stream & Cast Videos to My TV: Lindywell’s app is user-friendly and makes it easy to cast the videos from my phone to my TV.  The simplicity of having my workout in my living room on my schedule has helped me be consistent with working out.


  • Short, Efficient Workouts: The length of all the Lindywell videos varies from around ten minutes to thirty minutes long. I’ll be honest, at the beginning of my membership, I considered canceling because I thought there was no way these short workouts could make the difference I sought. I was wrong and was humbled very quickly. The toning moves Robin incorporates into these exercise videos are no joke – I have ended workouts thinking they weren’t too difficult only to feel sore the next day.  


  • The Beach Setting:  Except for some guest-led videos, most Lindywell videos take place on a beautiful beach in Santa Barbara, California. You can even hear the waves crashing in some of the videos! Having a virtual visit to the beach within a workout video is something I’ve found to be such a unique and enjoyable aspect of this program.


  • “Done for the Day”: Robin brings a calm and positive attitude to every one of her videos. It’s really difficult to be in a bad mood about working out when watching her infectious personality! She often provides encouragement and little pieces of wisdom you can use on and off the mat. But, my absolute favorite thing in Robin’s videos is that at the end of every video, she signs off by saying, “and you are done for the day.”  I always feel so much better after knocking out a workout, and that phrase makes me even more proud of myself for setting aside some time to exercise.

Recommended Equipment:

All of the workouts can be completed without equipment. However, the videos sometimes feature equipment, including weights, a foam roller, a pilates ball, or resistance bands. Robin also gives some great recommendations to substitute household items for equipment if you are missing any items.

If you want to add some equipment to your home gym to complete the workouts, I’ve linked the products I use with the Lindywell videos below.

Shop My Favorite Pilates Equipment:

Mat: I love this linked mat because it has a bit more cushion than the typical yoga mat, which is perfect for working out in my living room.

Weights: The Lindywell pilates videos occasionally incorporated light weights (no more than 2 or 3 pounds). It doesn’t sound like much, but the small movements with these weights will have you feeling the burn.

Foam Roller: Out of the linked equipment, I probably use the foam roller the least frequently when exercising with Lindywell. However, I also utilize the foam roller with other home workout videos, so it’s been a good addition to my home workout equipment.

Pilates Ball: The Lindywell workouts occasionally incorporate a pilates ball. I didn’t have one before using this program, so I ordered the one linked from Amazon. It’s one of the more inexpensive options and has served its purpose.

Sticky Socks: While not totally necessary, having attended in-person Barre classes in the past where I used sticky socks, I enjoy wearing the ones linked here when doing pilates exercises at home.

Learn More About Lindywell:

Have I convinced you to learn whether Lindywell’s program could be a good addition to your workout routine? If so, you can use my link or the button below for a $20 discount on your membership so you can start enjoying this great program!



I hope you’ve enjoyed learning about my experience with Lindywell Pilates, as the program has been a great addition to my life and home workout routine!

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