New to the Neighborhood? Here Are 5 Things You Can Do to Make It Feel Like Home

Whether you’ve made a cross-country move or just relocated within your city, being new to the neighborhood can feel overwhelming! After many moves over the last several years and my latest move from an apartment to my first home, I’ve picked up several ideas for what works and doesn’t work for adapting to a new neighborhood.

Keep scrolling to read my five best tips for what to do when you’re new to the neighborhood to make it feel like home fast!  

Locate Your Essentials 

When deciding where to live, you do initial research on what your surroundings will be. However, when you unpack, it’s disorienting not to have go-to locations for your everyday errands. This is why an important first step after moving to a new neighborhood is to locate your essentials for your day-to-day needs. 

Start by looking at a map and online reviews for some options for getting gas, getting groceries, and ordering your favorite takeout. Of course, as you settle into your new home, you’ll adapt and discover a preferred favorite for each of these things, but it’s helpful from the beginning to have some direction on where to turn for your most immediate needs.

Learn Basic Neighborhood Information

After locating your essentials, I recommend learning about your new neighborhood (or condo/apartment complex) community rules and regulations. Make sure to note where to get your mail, when trash and recycling days are, and if there are any special rules you should be following (such as HOA restrictions). 

If you live in a subdivision, I highly recommend joining Facebook pages relevant to you. Some communities have a single Facebook page dedicated to their section, while other large communities have several pages dedicated to specific interests such as parenting, dog/pet groups, and buying/selling items. 

I’ve found joining these kinds of pages very helpful for multiple reasons. These pages have helped keep me up-to-date on neighborhood and local events. They also have been super helpful in finding reliable recommendations for home services such as lawnmowing.

If you live in an apartment or condo community, I would see if something similar exists either on Facebook or on a resident portal for your community.

Participate in Neighborhood Events

Be sure to join in on holiday and annual events in and around your neighborhood! Be on the lookout for block parties, 5ks, farmer’s markets, and other events that provide an opportunity to get out and meet your neighbors. 

Neighborhoods vary in their levels of activities and events for holidays, but they could provide a great opportunity to meet others! Last year, when handing out candy for Halloween, I ended up meeting and talking to a couple who was out taking their kids trick-or-treating. It turned out that they lived one street over from me and had graduated from the same university as me. 

Branching out of your comfort zone and participating in events where you don’t know anyone can be uncomfortable. Still, I recommend pushing yourself to participate now and then to see who you can meet!

Utilize Amenities & Recreational Areas

If your neighborhood or apartment has amenities, or if there are recreational areas such as parks nearby, I recommend using them! Not only are you making the most of your new location by using these amenities and spaces, but you also have the chance to meet some neighbors that you may have something in common with!

Explore Your Neighborhood  and Surrounding Areas

Finally, get out and explore your neighborhood and the surrounding areas! Your new neighborhood will feel more like home as you grow more familiar with it. 

Get some exercise and better familiarize yourself with your surroundings by exploring on foot and taking walks as weather permits. 

I also would encourage you to explore the local shops, coffee shops, and restaurants near you. You may be pleasantly surprised to discover a location that becomes a new favorite and a staple in your routine. Having somewhere unique to your new neighborhood will also make you appreciate your new surroundings more!


Getting to know your surroundings when you are new to the neighborhood can be intimidating. But with some effort to explore your surroundings, meet new people, and find things to love about your new area, you’ll be feeling at home in no time! 

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